WordPress Performance Team kick off

Two weeks ago, Google and Yoast WordPress contributors posted a proposal to create a Performance team responsible for coordinating efforts to increase the performance (speed) of WordPress. The proposal was very well received overall, and many other contributors showed interest in joining the effort (thanks everyone).

This post aims at announcing the next steps.

Initial contributors coordination

As authors of the initial proposal, long time WordPress contributors, @tweetythierry, @flixos90, @aristath, @justinahinon, @adamsilverstein (in no particular order) are committed to:

  • lead the working groups formation
  • coordinate the initial administrative tasks (slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. channel, weekly meetings, schedule working groups representative nominations, etc.)
  • create a mission statement for the team
  • coordinate the areas to tackle
  • outline the scope and the roadmap

If you have interest in contributing to any of the above, please join the kickoff meeting, if you can, or use the comments of this post to do so.

Everybody is welcome to join working groups and contribute to performance enhancements without specific nomination 🙂

Kickoff meeting

Given the large interest from many contributors, it sounds like getting together is the first step.

By looking at the CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. Meetings calendar, Tuesdays at 3PM UTC seem good candidates. @justinahinon has offered to run chats ad interim, the kick-off meeting will happen on Tuesday, November 2nd 2021 at 3PM UTC in the #performance Slack channel.


  • Welcome
  • Contributor interest open floor
  • Defining areas of focus

Defining focus areas and working groups

As we have seen from the initial post comments, there are no shortage of areas in need of performance enhancements in WordPress (which is a good problem to have in a way). With that in mind, we will initially aim to keep the scope limited by defining the most impactful area of focus and create working groups if need be. Defined focus areas will be the main points of discussion during weekly chats.

An agenda item for the first meetings will be to define the initial focus areas for the team. Every contributor will be asked to self-assign themselves to one or two areas, to indicate what they would like to work on. The performance projects are assembled in a spreadsheet which can already be reviewed ahead of the kickoff meeting.

This is not exclusive of any performance contributions.


Thanks to the following for their involvement in authoring, proofreading and providing feedback on this post.

@francina, @flixos90, @aristath, @tweetythierry, @justinahinon (in no particular order)

#agenda, #meeting, #performance, #performance-chat